
Fuel Better


Quantanol is an EPA-registered company whose focus is on sustainable biofuels. We have just planted our first crop of Pongamia trees as of Summer 2024.

Pongamia is a hardy tree which produces large seed pods that produce a lower emission oil when converted to biofuel. The remainder is used as feedstock.

Quantanol is researching Camelina planting, which is projected for Spring 2025.

Global Biofuels Alliance

The Biden Administration has joined the Global Biofuels Alliance, a partnership to make progress in the United State's shared commitment to deploy cleaner, greener fuels around the world that help meet global carbon reduction goals. Leaders from Bangladesh, Singapore, and India also joined at the latest G20 meeting. The Alliance is focused on securing the supply of biofuels, ensuring that these biofuels remain affordable and are produced sustainably. Founding members of the Alliance will continue their outreach to other countries committed to these shared values with the goal of adding more countries to this effort. Quantanol supports these efforts, as we believe this will alleviate pressure on the US EPA to appease US farmers with arbitrary ethanol and other biofuel mandates. Patents for biofuel software trading platforms were stripped from US companies and held in Canada years ago, complicating efforts for US farmers to achieve dominance in biofuel production profitability. With a global alliance, we see production and strain on food sources mitigated by shared responsibility of developing nations.
Quantanol's vision is to bypass the patented side-lined trading platforms, and align the major SAF and Marine Biofuel producers to adopt a "Biofuel by the Barrel" model, in order to track production and therefore carbon reduction of their products on one block chain, most likely VeWorld. This would enable both the public and the production companies to invest in their own carbon reduction efforts.


Our clean kerosene alternative burns better and provides more heat in the most extreme winter weather.

Tank TopperTM

End the double-tap at the pump. Add Quantanol's Tank TopperTM to every fill-up.


Superior performance enhancement combined with ultimate CO2 reduction make us a must.

Why Quantanol?

Good question. With all the alternatives coming on the market, you need to know what makes us unique.


Quantanol sources its biofuel production information from the Economic Research service at the United States Department of Agriculture.  Statistics and Analysis of biofuel production is gathered from the United States Energy Information Administration. Accurate tracking of total and year-over-year production of renewable biofuels will enable Quantanol's carbon credit to provide a real-time value of the biofuel market as a whole. Follow-on analysis of specific carbon-displacement properties of each fuel will enable us to provide an accurate report of how much carbon is displaced each year. This is a superior model to carbon sequestration and carbon capture related tokens.

Naturally, the most prolific traders of our credits will be the biofuel production companies themselves. This will ensure that they are vested in and re-investing in their own success. Individual investors, trusts, pensions, investor guilds, and corporations will all see the value of holding and trading credits as well.

Quantanol’s CEO Kenneth Gardner recently attended Sylvera’s webinar, “COP27 Debrief” regarding the progress of carbon credit viability and acceptance. They briefly discussed the viability of cryptocurrency as a carbon credit. You may recall Quantanol’s real-life experiment of tying its ACOF token to the carbon market. We found out quickly that blockchain dynamics such as impermanent loss make cryptocurrency a no-go for carbon credits. Quantanol’s new web portal and trading platform will work with real-time data, with an SEC registered security which will derive its value from the daily carbon offset data. Patent Pending.


Tank Toppers


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